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We've hit over £120,000!

To all of Gareth's generous supporters, friends and followers- thank you.

Following a series of recent charity events this year including Charlie and Henry Thomas's charity white collar boxing match, David Smart and present and former staff of Cookridge Hall Charity Football Match and my, William Byrne, Richard Nott and Sarah Maile's London Marathons amongst many other events, runs, cake sales and coffee mornings I am sorry not to have mentioned, we have now raised over £123,000 for Chemotionally Unstable- Gareth's blog and justgiving page raising money for Cancer Research UK and Sarcoma Research.

Gareth raised over £110,000 in over a year and a half since he was given his terminal diagnosis. Since Gareth sadly passed away in October 2018 we have raised an absolutely outrageous £13,000 and counting, with more offline donations coming in as I write.

We will carry on fundraising in his memory and by doing so continue his legacy which has touched all of our lives whether you knew him in person or through his profound blog.

If you would like to donate and support Gareth and his fundraising army and the many events including our London Marathon please go to-

Don't forget the inaugural Cookridge Community 10K run in memory of Gareth on Sunday 19th May 2019 including a shorter, and more civilised fun run and walk for families around Golden Acre Park, Leeds- with less than 2 weeks to go, please sign up, support and fundraise for Gaz here-


Rhys & family,

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